One of the easiest ways to become a professional art appraiser was years back. It was not controlled by any outside agency. The most crucial aspect in getting new customers for appraisers. Today, art appraisals are regulated by the federal government. It is administered through the states. The art appraisers certified by the state are required to hold a four-year university education in the field they are interested in. Appraisers need to practice in their field for at least two years after graduation in order to earn the right to be acknowledged.

A tier system is utilized to create an art appraiser a certified professional. If you have the proper qualifications, you may be able to train under the Tier system. After the period of training is over and trainees are eligible to be certified as commercial or residential appraisers. It takes time and diligence to complete both the commercial and residential training. It can take about six years to get certified as an art appraiser even though you already have a the degree for four years. yvyukp7yb8.