There are dentists who have decided to give back to their community by offering residents a charity clinic. A prime example of this organization is Fiji Dental Medical Foundation. The Fiji Dental Dental Foundation organizes excursions to diverse areas to provide charity dental treatments to those with a lack of access. The organization has been offering these services to the residents of Fiji for at least six years. They visit remote areas of Fiji as well as perform dental services within Fiji’s islands.

The group’s dentist is also an avid surfer, and spends most of the time on the beach. He made friends with the owner of the island and some of the staff members and observed that they had more teeth missing each the time he came to. He decided to investigate the situation further. He realized that residents lacked quality dental care and that their teeth were declining due to that. The inspiration for establishing an organization for dental charities grew from his love and desire to help other people. The rest of his story is revealed by the dentist in this video. hhq3mnam1y.