If you’re interested in changing your approach to studying bible verses, try with a template worksheet to help you plan Bible verse by verse studying lessons.

In the clip posted on this site the host shares her personal method for learning about individual Bible passages. The worksheet she uses is pre-printed. she uses. She keeps copies in an organizer. The worksheet includes an illustrative chart of colors using various colors of pens to map scriptures. There are areas on the worksheet where you can write definitions as well as for cross-referencing related Bible verses.

It is possible to keep a consistent approach in the bible study by making use of a worksheet for guide. It is also possible to discover deeper meaning and apply lessons from the bible to your own activities as you are immersed within the Bible. If you feel like you’ve gotten bored with your Bible study and you are looking for a fresh sheet of workbook might be an ideal way to lift yourself back to the joy of bible study.

If you’re seeking additional support, check out scripture-based verse-by-verse study lessons online, too. hbehv2c9xz.