Web design in pittsburgh

Did you know that in 2011, the internet influenced more than one trillion dollars in retail sales? When done correctly, internet marketing can significantly increase the amount of potential customers your website receives. In order to attract and retain their attention, however, you must create an effective web design. A creative web design will not only help users navigate through your website, but it will also help improve your online presence, as well.

Nearly 70% of marketers in North America believe that a unique, high-quality design is important for websites to have. Your website must be creative and user-friendly, as this will help connect your business to users more easily. High-quality images, for example, are an effective way to accomplish this. In fact, 63% of Fortune 500 companies use high-quality images that connect with their users. It is important not to crowd your website with images, though, as this could lead to longer load times, and load times of more than four seconds will increase the chance of users leaving your website by 100%.

It is also important to create a mobile site, as well. In fact, according to Margin Media, half of all users believe that if companies do not develop a fully-functional mobile web design, it means they do not care about the ease of access to their websites. Mobile site development can be difficult, though, as it requires knowledge of specific coding. As a result, website design and development services are available to create your mobile website for you.

In order to attract and retain more user traffic, your business web design must be created effectively. Not only should your website utilize high-quality images, but it should also be compatible on all types of mobile devices, as well. By seeking help from website design and development services, your website will have a more significant presence online. Find out more at this site: www.ybinteractive.com