Ariat riding boots

Did you know that the ancestors of the modern horse, known as the Hyracotherium, lived about 50 million years ago? Unlike the large, hoofed horses of today, it had toes and was about as large as a dog. Today, many people participate in horseback riding, which is also known as equestrianism. Are you thinking about getting involved, but are generally new to the field? Many people don’t start riding horses until they’re older. Here are three things you should know so that you can become a successful rider.

1. The Benefits of Horseback Riding

From afar, it might seem as if riders merely perch on their horses. In reality, though, horse riding is far from a passive sport. Riding encourages good posture and balance development, since both of these are essential to riding. As you ride the horse, you have to constantly adjust different muscles, such as your pelvic muscles and quadriceps. There are also many psychological benefits of horseback riding, which is why there are many therapies involving riding.

2. Proper Gear

If you lack proper gear while riding, it can not only be dangerous for you, but you also risk hurting the horse. Equipment is also known as tack, and this includes saddles, harnesses, bridles, halters, reigns, stirrups, bits and more. There are also seasonal pieces of equipment, such as winter horse blankets, which will keep horses warm when it’s colder out. some equipment is optional, while others are necessary. Breastplates, for example, prevents saddles from sliding sideways on the horse’s back.

3. Personal Wear

What do riders wear? You might have seen pictures of them before. Equestrian clothing is both hardy and close fitting. For everyday wear, tshirts and jeans are acceptable. Riding helmets are essential since even experienced riders sometimes fall, especially if a horse becomes spooked by something unexpected on a trail. It’s a good idea to have boots with a heel, such as english riding boots, so that if you foot falls through the stirrups you don’t get trapped. Horse show apparel is probably what many people associate with proper riding gear. For that, you’ll want show jackets and breeches.

Do you have horse show apparel? Let us know in the comments