Camouflage is the combination of materials or coloration for the purpose of concealment. Camouflage makes people, animals, and objects hard to see or disguises them as something else.
Camouflage use in the military was spurred in the 19th century by the increasing accuracy and range of firearms. Nations began to camouflage all types of targets, such as tanks and other vehicles, due to the power of aerial observation during World War II. One pattern of camouflage imitates the broken shapes of light that shine through trees. One example of this is the dappled markings on giraffes.
Protective coloring helps animals warn away enemies, but it also helps animals hide from enemies. Zebra stripes are one camouflage pattern in the animal world. The stripes on a zebra may make a zebra stand out when it is out in the open, but they do have a purpose. As a zebra runs, the stripes blur the outline of the zebra, making the zebra harder to see which confuses predators that are chasing them.
Camouflage has been popularized by people wearing camo as a fashion statement. You can easily find goods such as camo baby bedding, camo clothing, camo purses, camo formal wear, and even camo wedding attire. Camo now comes in a variety of colors such as green, blue, yellow, black and white, purple, and even pink camouflage.
An increasingly popular theme of weddings is camouflage. Camo wedding ideas include a camouflage wedding dress, camouflage design centerpieces, camouflage bridesmaid dresses, and camouflage attire for the entire wedding party. To find camo wedding ideas, you can search online for “camouflage wedding ideas”, “camouflage wedding”, or “designing a wedding with camouflage”.
Camouflage is not used specifically for concealment anymore; it used as a fashion statement.
I have seen camouflage weddings on television. The are ridiculous looking. A green and brown camouflage wedding dress is not flattering on anybody.
I think camouflage as a fashion statement is stupid. Camouflage should serve a purpose, and serve a purpose only. Not be some cute pattern that people wear.
I think camouflage as a fashion statement is stupid. Camouflage should serve a purpose, and serve a purpose only. Not be some cute pattern that people wear.
I think camouflage as a fashion statement is stupid. Camouflage should serve a purpose, and serve a purpose only. Not be some cute pattern that people wear.
I think camouflage as a fashion statement is stupid. Camouflage should serve a purpose, and serve a purpose only. Not be some cute pattern that people wear.
I think camouflage as a fashion statement is stupid. Camouflage should serve a purpose, and serve a purpose only. Not be some cute pattern that people wear.