While creating an enticing portable trade show display at every event you can get to may present the chance to show off products and services through an enticing first impression, that overall impression will be dulled if you do not have enticing looking table throws to compliment your booth. Most companies will allocate more than 30 percent of their overall marketing budget to exhibitions and events which should leave you with more than enough money to purchase some nice table throws. In fact, you should even have some left ever to get other items to make your booth more effective like a literature rack or truss displays.
While you might be pumping in a lot of marketing money into table throws and other items like giveaways, you should consider that most tradeshow items handed out for free are kept for less than six months. Even more troubling, while most marketers are allocating lots of money for these items, nine out of ten people who put up a tradeshow booth have no plan in place to grasp post event metrics or measure much of anything and this means that in addition to focusing on eye candy items like table throws, you must also consider logistics as well. Doing so will help your tradeshow efforts to actually land you new customers.
The Canton Fair is considered by far and away to be the largest trade show on the planet and while it is a manufacturing and sourcing event that has more than 55,000 exhibitors, you can do tradeshows using the same table throws and mini table displays that are both large and small, allowing you to interact with many different types of crowds. While nice looking fabric displays might draw people in initially, your efforts will keep them there. This way, regardless of how many other exhibitors there are, people will remember your booth.
Being able to follow up on your tradeshow efforts will tell you what is most effective and what is not. This way, you can adjust both your displays and your approach accordingly. Before you know it, you will have the best booth of any other exhibitors wherever you go.
With some effort and patience, you will see the customer traffic you were hoping for from this concept. Then, your tradeshow efforts will be justified. Moreover, you will have the incentive you need to continue doing them.