About 800,000 people took the GRE in 2011.The new GREs use a different scoring system, making it difficult for recent test takers to judge their score correctly. I think they just switched it up to mess with peoples heads. The Graduate Management Admission Counsel has administered the GMAT since 1954, maybe they just got bored.
Anyhow, before taking the GRE I took Gre course to prepare for it. And I did really well on it. SO now that I have decided I need to take the GMAT, it is easy to deduce that I should also take a GMAT source. When seeking a GMAT prep course Toronto was a good place to be. The school for Gmat prep toronto had was affordable and near my home and so why not? I think I must have taken the best Gmat course toronto because not only did I kick butt on that test, but I also did not struggle to do so.
The GMAT is used as part of admission selection criteria in over 5,400 programs in over 1,000 universes in 83 different countries. United States citizens only represent 45 percent of the people who took the GMATs in 2011. I wondered what other countries did to prepare for it. Until I moved to Canada and I became part of that statistic. I would recommend that exact GMAT course Toronto had to anyone, even if it meant traveling to it. That specific GMAT course Toronto was taught by intelligent, skilled professionals. I do credit part of my exceptional performance to the GMAT course Toronto had for me.