If you are looking for a place to file taxes for free, the web is rife with options for free federal tax filings in general. However, while being able to file taxes for free on the federal level is a fairly easy prospect, there can potentially be extra added fees if you live in a state that collects its own income taxes as well. Extra features and services related to audit protection, et cetera can also cost more in the end, so it does pay to do your research on the topic in order to realize the best such venue for your needs.
To begin, you can search the web for a service that can file taxes for free online in your state, should there be an income tax where you reside. If there are no options available to file taxes for free with the assistance of a computer program, search the web for viable sites that offer you the ability file taxes for free on the federal level, while offering a fair price and easy format for the state taxes you may need to handle as well. Once you have a list of venues that offer you the option to file taxes for free on either the federal level, the state level, or both, search the web again for reviews of each of the venues you currently may have under consideration.
From there, determine which of these viable venues offering you a way to file taxes for free seems to be the best reviewed by other customers in terms of user-friendliness and average rate of return. Look over your options and these reviews carefully in order to make sure that you choose the best online tax filing venue for your needs. Start filling out your return as soon as you make a decision, and you should be all set!