Many people who are involved in pageants reject the term beauty and instead attempt to inject the term scholarship as a replacement. However, one looks at it though, the winners are far from unattractive, though they also have other talents as well. As such, pageants contestants employ pageant coaches in order to compete on the basis of fitness, beauty, poise, speaking skills, community service, and wardrobe. Considering all of the factors for which contestants must prepare, it is impossible for a pageant contestants to do it all on their own. Thus, pageant contests must hire coaches to help them with everything from their struts to answering pageant interview questions with intelligence.
While the average person can no longer name the winners of the Miss American pageant, they are still popular, at least among contestants and pageant coaches. Considering that a quarter million American women compete in hundreds of different pageants every year, each of those beauty contestants needs to enlist the services of a pageant coach in order to have any chance to win. Obviously, each of the so called skills or qualities are valuable, the part of the pageant with which contestants need the most help is the interview part. As such, a pageant interview coach is almost always needed, as young people today are not always the best speakers. However, if a contestant hires a high quality pageant coach, they can overcome this deficiency and win thousands of dollars, as well as the notoriety that comes with winning a beauty pageant. While beauty and ability can come naturally, only pageant coaching can assure contestants of success.