the presence of allergies or onditions for patients who don’t adhere to their dentist’s recommendations on maintenance and care.

Nerve injury: There’s a small risk of the nerve being damaged when you undergo surgical procedures for dental implants. It can cause an numbness, tingling, and weakness in the affected area. A majority of nerve injury heals naturally. In some cases, it could last for a long time.

Sinus problems Dental implants that are placed in the upper jaw may result in sinus issues. If the implant sits too near to sinus cavities or results in irritation or inflammation of your sinus membrane this can cause sinus issues. Sinus issues can cause discomfort, congestion and pressure.

Brute force: Although dental implants can last for a long time and last for years, in some cases they can break or even fracture. If the implant has been stressed too long or if the patient is not practicing good oral hygiene the possibility of this happening. If a dental implants fractures or breaks, it could need to be removed and repaired.

It is crucial for patients to know about these potential risks and complications before opting to undergo a dental implant procedure. Patients must discuss all concerns with their dental professional, and will be advised by their dentist regarding care and treatment to avoid problems.


Patients must be aware of the price of the procedure. Implants cost more than many other dental procedures. Additionally, not all dental insurance plans cover these procedures. Treatment costs may have to be paid out-of-pocket or the patient may be able to take out a loan in order to pay the cost.

Despite the potential risks and costs, many patients find that the benefits of dental implants exceed any potential drawbacks. Implants will make your smile appear better as well as increase the overall condition of your teeth.
