Choosing a daycare is one of the most important decisions a parent can make. Throughout history, it has been acknowledged that high quality early educational experiences benefit children socially, economically, and emotionally, perhaps accounting for early beginning of the day care movement. Day care first appeared appeared in France around 1840 and was formally recognized by the French government in 1869. In the U.S., the welfare and reform movements of the 19th century spurred on the appearance of day care, and today, day care and preschool programs are praised for the opportunities they present to children intellectually, socially, and emotionally. In fact, studies show that children who attend preschool are 24% more likely to attend four-year colleges.
Today, there are innumerable options for parents interested in choosing a day care program. Many public schools now offer universal preschool, home based facilities are available, chain child care centers are spread across the country, and private child care is often found in private schools. Though all child care facilities have their strengths and weaknesses, many parents feel that choosing a private school for daycare is the best option. In this article, we’ll look at some of the factors recommending private child care over other child care facilities and explain why parents send their children to private schools.
What’s So Private About Private Schools?
Private child care facilities, as parts of private schools, are not governed by most state educational mandates. As such, they are self funded, a factor that deeply influences the care they offer. Because tuition, in large part, supports them, private schools are generally more likely to be oriented toward pleasing their customers, the parents. While public facilities are mainly focused on meeting all the requirements and mandates put out by their governing bodies, private child care teachers recognize that they depend mainly on the satisfaction of parents. Other effects of the independence of private schools from the state include self-developed curricula, small class size, and self-selected students.
Self Developed Curricula
This is one of the most important effects of independence from the state. Universal preschools teach what is required by government standards, currently in the throes of the Common Core upheaval. Private child care facilities, on the other hand, develop their own curriculum. Parents who are interested in sending their children to facilities that provide religious education or particular teaching methods like Montessori or Reggio Emilio can choose private child care facilities that align with their interests.
Small Class Size
Because private child care facilities are tuition based, they typically have smaller class sizes than those found in public facilities. Smaller class size has been proven to have a positive effect on academic development and allows young children to practice their social skills without feeling overwhelmed.
Self Selected Students
Because private child care facilities choose which students to admit, they are generally more prestigious than public facilities. As such, it is easier for them to pursue more advanced academic concepts. Parents who are interested in being more selective about who their children associate with often opt for private child care facilities.
Parents who are interested in exercising a little more control over their children’s educational experiences are often pleased with the opportunities private school can afford them. Though it costs a little extra, private day care and schooling can provide an incredible leap forward for your child. References.