Considered by many to be the most important social asset, a smile is something that deserves careful care and attention. Your teeth are unique, just like your fingerprints, even differing between identical twins. Smiles as much a part of our personalities as anything else, yet we often neglect to give them the same consideration as other important parts of our identities.
We don’t always take the best care of our teeth. Those consuming three or more glasses of sugary beverages a day have 62% more tooth decay, fillings, and tooth loss than those who don’t. Still, for the most part, Americans are cautions about dental hygiene. We use mouth rinses, floss our teeth, and make regular use of our toothbrushes which, by the way, typically have more than 25,000 bristles in 40 groups of tufts. In 2010, just over 60% of adults between 18 and 64 had visited their general dentists within the past year, mostly for regular check ups and routine procedures like fillings. Still, there is more we can do to make sure our smiles are in tip top shape. Restorative dentistry can make the difference between a nice smile and a great smile, yet it is usually avoided by many dental patients.
Two of the most effective restorative dentistry procedures are in office teeth whitening and dental implants. Though they are at opposite ends of the spectrum in terms of intensity, they both can make an incredible difference.
Teeth Whitening
Teeth whitening procedures conducted in a dentist’s office can whiten teeth up to eight shades in only 45 minutes, as opposed to at home products that whiten only four shades over the course of months. During the procedure, a peroxide based gel is applied to the teeth and cured using a special UV light. The results aren’t permanent, but they are dramatic. After having an in office treatment, patients will still need to take special care of their teeth, avoiding staining substances like wine and coffee and brushing regularly to remove plaque.
Cosmetic Dental Implants
Cosmetic implants are used to replace missing teeth and are permanent and fully functional. Essentially, they replace teeth from the roots and are usually made of titanium. Implants are placed in the bone socket of the missing tooth where the jawbone bonds witht hem and grows around them over the course of a couple months. Then, and abutment is affixed to the implant and a crown is attached to the abutment. Dental implants are quickly replacing dentures because they are more convenient and highly functional.
Restorative dentistry makes it possible for smiles to return to their former glory. Though cosmetic dental procedures are often not covered by insurance, many feel that the cost of cosmetic dentistry is worth the effects. Talk to your dentist if you’re interested in taking steps toward a more fabulous smile. Good references here.
I’ve never thought that teeth whitening seemed worth it. You can do it at home for much cheaper.