There are many ways that water can damage a home. While flood damages may be the most obvious cause, there are also leaky roofs, leaky pipes and leaky faucets just to name a few. Some insurance companies offer insurance for water damage, and there are some steps that homeowners can take for preventing water damage in the first place.
Some areas are more prone to flooding, but flash floods can occur just about anywhere. While there is not much we can do to control the weather, there are things that we can do to help prevent water damage, and some that can even prevent or reduce flood damages. Homeowners should make sure that there are not any leaks or holes in the foundation of the house. Door and windows should also be checked, especially basement windows, to make sure that water can not get through. The roof and the plumbing should also be checked for leaks periodically.
Even when preventative measures are taken, water damage may still occur. If there is a relatively small amount of damage, and the area is safe and free of electrical wires or other hazards, you can clean up water damage yourself. You can remove the excess water with a wet and dry type vacuum, or use fans to try to dry the water. For flooding or extensive water damage, homeowners are advised to get professional help with the clean up.
We can not help being jealous of people in Florida in the winter, but I would take our upstate New York snow storms over flooding and hurricanes any day.