You want to be mind blown? Well according to a study done by comScore qSearch, there are 4.9 billion internet searches per month, which comes out to be roughly 1,890 searches every second. Although this is a crazy big number, if you truly think about it, everyone is constantly using the internet either on their laptops, tablets, smartphones, etc. Everyone is constantly using the internet everywhere and at all times.
Currently, there are 27 million pieces of online content shared each day, which makes content based SEO a rapidly rising method of internet marketing. SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization, and it is becoming the model for all online marketing today. Statistically, 60 percent of shared content messages relate to a specific industry, brand, or product. Also, 56 percent of companies claim that they have acquired new customers solely through their company blogs alone. These numbers are severely important because they are solid evidence that SEO has grown to become the best tool for marketing today.
Search engine optimization can be done by a company them self, or it can be done through a reseller seo program, which would be considered SEO outsourcing. Without speaking technically, this means a company would use this method of search engine optimization, but they will just be hiring another company who are professional experts with SEO to do the job for them. In many situations, companies buy into what is called SEO reseller packages, where the company in which they have outsourced the job to will provide them with many different internet marketing solutions, as well as expertise in the SEO aspects.
When it comes to the internet, almost everyone begins an internet experience with a visit to a search engine. This is because search engines provide users with whatever they are looking for, or at least will guide them down the right path. People use search engines to find certain products and services, and search engines then provide the people with different companies, services, and products to fit their needs. So it is important to get your company on top of those search results pages if you can, and this can be done simply through the help of reseller seo companies.
Hmmm that makes sense now. I always wondered how when I searched things on the internet, the search engine just knows where exactly to find what im looking for. It all makes sense now lol
Hmmm that makes sense now. I always wondered how when I searched things on the internet, the search engine just knows where exactly to find what im looking for. It all makes sense now lol
Hmmm that makes sense now. I always wondered how when I searched things on the internet, the search engine just knows where exactly to find what im looking for. It all makes sense now lol
Hmmm that makes sense now. I always wondered how when I searched things on the internet, the search engine just knows where exactly to find what im looking for. It all makes sense now lol
Hmmm that makes sense now. I always wondered how when I searched things on the internet, the search engine just knows where exactly to find what im looking for. It all makes sense now lol