Hearing that there are about one in every seven people on the planet currently making use of smartphones may surprise you. The reality is that among those 1 billion users, many of them are personal owners of their devices. More people using personal devices for business use means that the need for mobile device management is on the rise. If your organization could benefit from iPhone management, a form of digital iPhone security and patch management, then be sure to get in touch with a patch management software professional. A patch management or mobile device management professional can tell you that a recent report showed about half of all companies allowing a bring your own device model, as this allows employees to cover the technology costs and puts the burden of compliance on employees rather than the company.
It may seem strange to put the burden of cost and security on employees. However, most employees understand compliance issues well enough when they utilize their own devices to access company networks today that the risk is still very low of an employee abusing access to company networks. Most mobile device management is so sophisticated that even an employee intent on using their access in a way you did not intend as a business manager will be kept to a minimum. Bring your own device models of mobile device access to company networks relies primarily on cloud based architecture, meaning that virtual networks rather than physical drives are utilized to provide access. There are also software as a service or on premise models for mobile device management, forms of digital protection that will simplify compliance between an employer that has digital contracts or sensitive networks in place that employees use their own smartphones, tablets and other mobile devices to access.
BlackBerry phones in particular are noted as having a very strong encryption system based on several factors beyond the personal identification number of a certain user. The additional input of security allows for minimized access to private records, client information, financial information and more. No matter what type of operating system your mobile devices use, it is possible to find mobile device management that will be very fitting for your organization. The strength of your mobile device management will depend on the amount of encryption you require, the number of users with access and what type of network configuration you have in place for mobile device access.