Mobile device management, referred to as MDM by industry insiders, streamlines the setting up and enrolling of a platform for mobile devices, including such facets as registering devices owned by employees and corporate enterprises, applying default settings for these devices, and authenticating them. Through MDM, a corporate enterprise therefore could keep whatever information was sent or received through an employee’s device safely locked away, keeping outsiders out and information available only to those within the corporate enterprise. By 2015, 55 percent of these devices will be owned by employees, with 54 percent of these employees using their devices both for work and for play and 70 percent checking these devices after the normal business day, making the need for enhanced security policies all the more significant.
For instance, through Exchange activesync security policies, a corporate enterprise could allow for another layer of protection that would further encrypt this private information. With companies increasingly allowing their employees to use their own devices for work, more breaches have occurred from hackers and competitors alike, with about 47 percent of companies saying something negative happened to this information because ActiveSync security policies did not exist. So of course, a large chunk of these enterprises are starting to use ActiveSync security policies to keep everything safe.
Through initiating ActiveSync security policies, a corporate enterprise could gain further protection in the form of enhanced security features that a provider would sell to that enterprise and further maintain. Safety of course is a No. 1 concern in terms of keeping information safe, but these ActiveSync security policies protect more than the data that gets sent through an employee’s mobile device. With these ActiveSync security policies, an enterprise too could keep better track of the things that were going on within an employee’s device, or all of them simultaneously.
By better managing these devices, a company could use ActiveSync security policies as a buffer to protect information and to manage it as well. Managing information across an enterprise is always a tricky thing, so a vast majority of companies are letting providers of ActiveSync security policies do a significant amount of the work. Through initiating and maintaining these security policies, the companies in charge of them are further protecting their clients, while clients are enjoying further security and management enhancements. This solidifies their BYOD policies, whether these policies exist for Activesync android devices or other similar ones.